Friday, October 19, 2007

Confession Brings Possesion


Christianity is called the Great Confession. In Hebrews 4:14 we are told to hold fast to our confession. When we think of confession is generally think of it as confession of our sins. That is the negative side of confession. In these scriptures and others in the epistles of Paul, we find the positive side of confession.

What is the positive side of confession based upon the Word of God. What am to hold fast to as the Hebrew writer says. I am to hold fast to the confession of the absolute integrity of the Bible. I am to hold fast to the confession of the redemption in Christ. I am to hold fast to the confession of the New Creation and of receiving the Life and Nature of the Father.

I am to hold fast to the confession that God is the strength of my life. I am to hold fast to the confession that “Surely He hath borne my sicknesses and carried my diseases and that by His stripes I am healed.

In the church world today, there is a lack teaching and instruction on this line which leads to many believers live lives with a continual sense of failure and defeat. If we want to have a better life, change our present situation the first place to make changes is to change in the area of our confession or the things that we say.

Every time that you confess disease, weakness and failure , you magnify the adversary above the Father and destroy you own confidence in the Word.
You are to hold fast to your confession in the face apparent defeat. Stand by your confession that the Father will make it good in your life and through thick and thin, you will see the things you are believing for will come to pass.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Days of Elijah

This song by Mark Robin sung in this clip by Paul Wilbur here at a worship conference is actually a song speaks of the days that we are living in the last days. These are prophetic days and moments where the Word of the LORD is spoken in power and strength. The nations of the earth will awaken to the fact that His Word is forever settled in heaven and it is established on the earth as we as Christians rise up in our prophetic destinies.

These are the days of Elijah.. declaring the Word of the Lord ...days of Moses righteousness being restored.. The days we are living in God through the Holy Spirit restores to man the revelation of New Covenant Righteousness. The righteousness of God in Christ Jesus is not some thing that we work at or based on our performance but on the precious blood of the lamb of God.

Let faith arise as we sing this song to the Lord and declare it to the principalities and powers of the air that JESUS IS KING!!!!!!!

Days of Elijah - Paul Wilbur

Monday, October 8, 2007

Living a Worry Free Life

Scripture : 1 Peter 5:7

In the world that we live in, with the pressures and demands that surrounds us-worry seems to be a norm. With the pressure a earning a living, providing for the family, and paying the bills and hordes of other things that cries for our attention, we need a solution for this age-long problem. But the Bible calls worry a sin. As Christians , God wants us to live a worry-free life.

In 1 Peter 5:7 the the apostle Peter encourages the believer in Christ to cast the total of our cares, worries, anxieties and concerns to the Lord. He cares for us. He does really care for us. Nothing is to small that our Great Father God does know about it. He is concern about the the details of our lives. But most of the time, we have difficulty believing that.

This is because the enemy of our soul wants to burden and load us with the cares of this life. And wants us to believe that we are alone in dealing with daily conflicts that we face. Peter goes on to exhort "...resist him steadfast in the Faith..". Worry need to be resisted just like we would resist an enemy. Keeping our minds and hearts worry free is the key in the seeing the blessings of the Lord flowing abundantly in our lives.

So let me encourage in the Lord to let the peace of God guard your minds and hearts in Christ Jesus as a garrison of soldiers in a turbulent country. Praise the Lord

Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Covenant Prayer

Releasing the Resources of Heaven
through the Name of Jesus

Part 2

b. Ask…Receive…that your joy may be full.

We in the New Covenant have the joy of “praying to the Father in Jesus name” and have the Father grant or give us what we pray for. This assurance we have from the Lord Jesus who is the surety and guarantee of the redemption.

When we receive the answers for our prayers, we can have joy because we received what we have prayed for. Our joy will not be full if our loved ones are sick or our bills are unpaid, financial burdens pressing us. You can’t have joy when these things overloading us. But when you ask God to supply your need and you believe that you have received, your joy can be full. So ask the Father what you need that you joy may be overflowing. This our prayer privilege as in the New Covenant. God wants you full of joy and receiving what you prayed for.

c. Joy before Results

Many times in our walk with the Lord you have to have joy before you receive what you pray for. If you worrying and anxious trying to figure out matters alone, you hinder God from helping you meet you need. Allow him to carry your burdens instead of carrying it yourself.

Ephesians 5:20 gives us the rule to prayer. That is to pray or give thanks in the nameof Jesus to the Father. When we come to the Father in Jesus name we have what we pray for and we will not come empty handed.

New Covenant Prayer

Releasing the Resources of Heaven
Through the Name of Jesus

Part 1

Let us look at the text from the Bible. Reading from John 16:23, 23:

The Name of Jesus gives the believer access to the throne of Father. It is the key that unlocks heaven’s resources and meets every need on the earth.

The disciples were told by Jesus to pray to the Father in His name. For our prayers to reach heaven and heard before the Father, we must come through the key of the name of Jesus.

Jesus is at the right hand of the Father as our Mediator, Intercessor, Advocate and Lord. That is His present day ministry at the throne for the new creation.

You shall ask nothing in my name

This day that He is speaking about is the day when He is raised from the dead and seated at the right hand of the Father as our Great High Priest and Lord. “In that day you shall not pray to me…” He is telling them not to pray or ask Him. IN the Old Covenant, it was a norm for the Israelite to ask and present his needs to the priests or the High priests who were serving in the temple.

But now Jesus is giving the guidelines for New Covenant praying. Praying to the Father in His name.

This is where the church has missed it. New Covenant prayers are prayed based upon the rules and guidelines that Jesus has given to us.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Weapon of Praise

The life that counts must hopeful be,In darkest night make melody,Must wait the dawn on bended knee-This is the life that counts..'

Darkest night? Melody? Could God be serious? I reached for the concordance to check this strange link - darkness and melody? Somewhere in the recesses of my memory were the familiar words... 'a song in the night'; perhaps it was scriptural...There it was, Job 35:10; 'Where is God my Maker, Who gives songs of REJOICING in the night?' (my emphasis)...then;'who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the heavens'...mmm, I'd just been discussing lately the 'wisdom' of animals; how the animals in the tsunami-hit countries had fled for the hills beforehand knowing what was coming. Job 36:33 had told me; 'the cattle are told of His coming storm'. They were tuned in with God I believed and after all, if He made them why wouldn't they be? My mother had always told me that cows knew when an earthquake was imminent. They just 'knew' she'd said. Then there were the rats that I'd read of recently who REFUSED to eat GE (genetically engineered) food. These rats that were then force fed the new 'man made' or 'fiddled with' food as I call it, died! I'd learned (eventually) in my Christian walk that He was wiser and more clever than I (given He'd made me AND my brain!); I say eventually because it took a little while of trying out my own wisdom and falling over a few times to see it; so with this new revelation concerning night time and songs and the fact that He teaches us more than the beasts - then like diamonds it was worth digging for. I'd also read somewhere that diamonds were made under pressure and heat, so when pressure and heat came into my life, God was BOUND to produce some jewel of wisdom in my life...ouch! Although I knew I should 'rejoice' when I encountered trials and temptations (James 1:2), I was still finding this a little difficult to do, to say the very least. Now, Isaiah 54:1; that link again I mused;'Sing, O BARREN, you who did NOT bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud' (my emphases again); here He was joining the trial place with singing again. I flicked also to Psalm 42:7 and 8; 'All Your breakers and Your rolling waves have gone over me. Yet the Lord will command His loving-kindness in the daytime, and IN THE NIGHT His song shall be with me, a prayer to the God of my life'. The song sprang to mind taken from Isaiah 61:3 (Amplified Bible), 'put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness'. This scripture read; 'The Spirit of the Lord would 'grant [consolation and joy] to those who MOURN; beauty instead of ASHES, the oil of joy for MOURNING, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a HEAVY BURDENED OR FAILING SPIRIT, that HE may be glorified.' This was it then; the Lord God TRANSFORMS things... excited, I glanced across the page and read in chapter 60:17-20, instead of bronze; peace instead of tyranny; Salvation and Praise instead of devastation or destruction; the days of mourning will one day end. I thought then, of how in the Old Testament when the armies of Israel went into battle, the singers and musicians went in front; what more peculiar order could there be than this? Singers in front with NO WEAPONS? But the scriptures reveal that against all odds the Israelites ALWAYS won, that is of course, IF THEY OBEYED. When God said to sing, they sang. When He said be silent (as when they encircled Jericho awaiting its destruction), they kept silent. They won against all natural odds; not spiritual odds because there is no such thing in God's economy. And here was my 'jewel'; obey God and sing and He will transform me in the trial, and often but not ALWAYS, He will change the circumstances as well!Isn't that just like my faithful God? Like Miriam, when God had parted the sea to let the Israelites pass through, then miraculously destroyed their enemies, I too could joyfully sing;Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods?...glorious in holiness,awesome in splendour, doing wonders?

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Hidden Man of the Heart

The Hidden Man of the Heart

(1Pe 3:4) but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, the meek and quiet spirit, which is of great price in the sight of God.

2Cor 4:16, Eph 2:15, Rom 6:6

These series of studies on the “Hidden man of the Heart” is the delving into the the realm the recreated human spirit. It is the search for the secret of real spirituality. It the recognition that the real man is not the man of the senses or the reasoning function the human personality but that it the recreated spirit that has received the life and the nature of the Father.

The passages of scriptures above, the spirit man is refer to as inward man, outer man, old man, hidden man. Hidden means he is concealed or hidden from the physical sense, that is to say the he is shut away from the physical natural man.

The church as a whole is not familiar with the recreated spirit. We have develop our bodies and our minds to the extend that it becomes beneficial to us. But as for the real man – the recreated spirit, the church is still in the stage of infancy in the development of the forces of the spirit.

The thing that we call conscience is actually the voice of the spirit. When we learn how to develop this faculty of the the spirit-the recreated spirit-and keep in vital fellowship with the Father through the Word, there is no limit to where we can go in spiritual things.

The Holy Spirit was given to us to lead us. The primary way that He leads us is through the inward witness or the inward man within. Your spirit corporation with the Holy Spirit brings light-love-life flowing in your life.

Galatians 5:22-23 mentions the fruit of the recreated spirit. Love, joy and peace are the forces of the human spirit that comes into the believer when he receives eternal life and the nature of God.

The secret of the life of being led by the Spirit is to know the truth the Bible reveals regarding the Inward or the inner man. The more we get acquainted with man – the real man- the recreated spirit –walking the spirit is no longer a mystery.

It is something that becomes a reality of a daily basis

1. Man created a spirit, soul and body

Read the following scriptures as a foundation for this section:

Genesis 1:26, 27-2:7
John 4:24
2 Cor 5:17
Heb 12:9
Heb 12:22-24

Man was made in God’s class. The Word of God says the God is a Spirit. He is made in the image and the likeness of God. God, a Spirit created man in His own image. Man, therefore, was created or made a spirit in God’s class. God‘s image is spirit and man was made in that image, also a spirit being.

Just like God is eternal, man is also an eternal being. Man was created a companion and associate of God. He was made to rule over all the creation. When man sinned against God I the Garden of Eden, man partook of Satan nature which is spiritual death.

Eph 2:1-4

Before the fall, man’s spirit ruled the human personality and the body and the mind of man was under subjection and the control of the spirit of man. When he sinned, his spirit received the nature of the adversary and became subjected to the body. Since then the human personality was ruled by the senses.

The spirit was being made the prisoner of the five senses. Since then, there has been a cry form the spirit of man to be free. A cry for freedom to be restored to the original state before the fall to rule over the body once again.

2. The names of the spirit man

In Ephesians 4:23-25 he is called the “old man”. He is also referred to as the inward and the hidden man of the heart in Romans 7:22 and 2 Peter 3:4.

When a man comes to Jesus and receives him as savior and Lord the Holy Spirit recreates the spirit into a new creation. 2 Corinthians 5:17 mentions emphatically that this recreated spirit is a new creation in Christ Jesus-a new species of being which existed before.

The real man is the spirit man or the hidden man of the heart.
The person who was recreated was not the mind or the body but it is the spirit of man. It was this man that was recreated in Christ Jesus.

3. Prophecy of a New Creation

Ezekiel 36:26

Man is going to be recreated. The nature of Satan or the sin nature is to be taken out of him. He will no longer be called “old man” but called a “new man” in Christ.

He is to be a new creation in Christ Jesus.

The new creation came into being on the day of Pentecost and has the ability to stand before the Father as though as sin has never been. 2 Cor 5:21, Romans 8:1, 2; Romans 8:37-39

The New Creation ahs become the righteousness of God. The spirit man was recreated by the Holy Spirit in the New Birth had the nature of God imparted to him. 2 Peter 1:4