Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pentecostal History

At the turn of the Century, there was a Great Outpouring of the Holy Spirit that we in the Charismatic Movement and the present day church, has no knowledge . These pioneers of faith were men and women, at their best were filled with Power on High and went out as the scriptures say “...to the ends of the earth…” to bring the Good News of Healing, Deliverance and Salvation to the unknown parts of the world. These is their story.

At the beginning on the century as never before in the history of the world, the was tremendous hunger and thirst for an outpouring of the spirit. Prayer meetings were started and attended by the hungry “...for more of God and His power just as the book of Acts...”

The Revival that started at in Topeka, Kansas at Charles Parham's Bible School, at the midnight of the new year of 1901-the moment that the 20th Century began, has a worldwide impact in Church History...the movement gained momentum and spread across the whole of America. Shortly after that, a young Welshman, was used by the Spirit to bring a refreshing to Wales....this was the year 1904-1905.

Following that in a humble building at 312, Azusa Street, Los Angeles, a little band of praying believers took hold of God in intercession until the blessing of God poured in such a measure that the whole world was influenced. Many of the great name in Pentecostal History were pioneers in this Outpouring of the Spirit. Men such as Smith Wigglesworth, John G Lake, Raymond T Richey, Dr Charles S Price, Vicar Alexander Boddy, Lillians Yeomans, Howard Carter ...etc were some of them who were used of the Lord to turn the "...world upside down..."

Today's moder church must follow their example and wait upon the Lord He endues with Power on High and do the exploits they did for Him. This Our prayer, desire and Vision. Amen

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